Cigar anyone

Important SEO Plugins – WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 31

Not the slow boat to chinaThis week’s episode is about what we consider the most important plugins to setup when installing or cleaning up your WordPress installation.

Before we get into that though here is this week’s rant on:
Rant on social media and the stupidity around it. Yes folks we all did or do stupid things when we are kids, I for one am thankful that Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media did not exist when I was a kid. People seem to use no care when they post stuff online and don’t seem to realize that what they put there can and will be found and used against them if at all possible.

It's the (Alleged) End of the World as We Know It Oh yes and the end of the world happens so sayith Harold Camping (89) who runs the group Family Radio has also claimed that Judgment Day is Saturday, May 21.  Camping believes God will destroy the Earth this Saturday, which he says marks 7,000 years since the time of Noah’s flood. He also predicts some will be left alive on Earth and that they will “experience 153 days of torment”. But at least —NASA Dismisses End Of The World Claims

World of WordPress News:
Big news from they released their new WordPress Pro section where you can register yourself if you are a WordPress Pro or if you are looking for a WordPress Pro you can find one here.

The bbPress plugin is coming soon, this is the plugin for a forum for your WordPress website bbPress plugin is “fast approaching release”

WordCamp is in Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend.
Not WordPress Related but interesting all the same.. Facebook photos land 11 athletes lengthy suspensions

This episode we are discussing what we think are the most useful SEO plugins every WordPress website should have when they are setup.

List of Plugins:

Protecting the babesHeadspace 2
HeadSpace2 is an all-in-one meta-data manager that allows you to fine-tune the SEO potential of your site. Visit the HeadSpace page for a video demonstration.
You can configure meta-data for just about everything..

SEO Friendly Images
SEO Friendly Images is a WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO Friendly Images will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.
·  Author: Vladimir Prelovac · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

SEO Smart Links
SEO Smart Links Premium is now available with bug fixes, new features and performance improvements. What is new?
SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more.
SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.
·  Author: Vladimir Prelovac · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

iRobots.txt SEO
iRobots.txt SEO (IRSEO) is a fully customizable robots.txt virtual file generator. IRSEO creates a highly optimized and secure robots.txt file straight out of the box. Users may choose to enable or disable specific user agents, directories or files using intuitive options all of which include detailed instructions.
·  Author: Mark Beljaars · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

Link Juice Keeper
As you probably know, incoming links play important role in ranking well in Google and other search engines. Therefore you should assure that every incoming link leads to one of pages on your blog. This may be a challenge, because World Wide Web is dynamic and changes every day:
·  Author: Daniel Fru?y?ski · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

Fuzzy SEO Queries
Fuzzy SEO Booster increases your sites search engine positions for long tail keywords automatically!
Here is how it works: When someone finds your site using a long tail keyword combination not already on that page, it records it, and adds it to the page in a widget box! Think of it as an auto generated tag cloud for your blog, every tag on it helping your search engine positions!
·  Author: fuzzyseo · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it's much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.
·  Author: Arne Brachhold · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

A new one to test out may make a good replacement for Headspace..

WordPress SEO by Yoast
The most complete all in one SEO solution for your WordPress blog, this plugin has a huge list of features, including:

  • Post title and meta description meta box to change these on a per post basis for ultimate SEO.
  • On page SEO Analysis using the Linkdex page analysis library.

·  Author: Joost de Valk · Plugin Page » · Plugin Homepage »

In closing here is what is coming in future podcasts:
Website Analytics Plugins
Customizing Your Login Page

Laura how can you be contacted:
on my website @ or you can follow me on Twitter @Tefnuit
or even like me on Facebook at

John can be contacted at:
on my website @ or you can follow me on Twitter @Ahkonsu or even like me on Facebook at

Some of the music provided tonight from Mevio's Music Alley. Check it out at ‘