WordPress News July 26, 2018

WordPress news this week-

  • Why you need to upgrade your hosting to PHP 7 right away and how to do it [from Blogaid.net]
  • 7 Courses That Turn WordPress Users into Developers. “You’re not a beginner anymore. You don’t need to watch another tutorial on how to install WordPress, set up a theme, or find and install plugins. But, that doesn’t mean that you know everything.” [from wpmudev.org]
  • How to Make Your Website Load Fast on Mobile. “The main reason a website ‘hangs' or loads slowly usually results from trying to load a large resource. There are many ways to speed up your WordPress website. One way to make your website load fast on mobile is to compress, or smush, your WordPress images and use a responsive designed theme.” [from webdevstudios.com]
  • Designing Compelling Site Experiences for SEO. “We all know that using certain keywords and phrases can help boost your site’s SEO, but keyword optimization is just one part of the equation. It’s essential that site visitors find the relevant content they’re seeking.” [from torquemag.io]
  • Make Your Products Stand Out with a Custom Pinterest Share Image. “Get more control over the image and description of your products from you online store that people share on Pinterest. People love pinning products they use, wish for or dream of. The thing is not all images are created equally nor do they often pin optimally.” [from bobwp.com]
  • The Not Secure warning for non HTTPS sites rolls out with Chrome 68 today, tips to get you unstuck with blogging, and more. [from Blogaid.net]
  • Stuck on Coming Up With New Ideas? 7 Things to Do Now. “All bloggers struggle to come up with new ideas from time to time. If your field of specialty is a narrow niche, you might have trouble coming up with fresh topics. If you’ve been writing for many years, it might be difficult to come up with something you haven’t already done.” [from bloggingpro.com]