It's Episode 353 and we've got plugins for Callbacks, WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Responsive Sliders, To-Do Lists, Table Reservations and Plugin Activation Tracking. Those plugins and listener feedback, all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

WordPress Plugins A to Z Episode 353 Callbacks, WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

It's Episode 353 and we've got plugins for Callbacks, WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Responsive Sliders, To-Do Lists, Table Reservations and Plugin Activation Tracking. Those plugins and listener feedback, all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It's Episode 353 and we've got plugins for Callbacks, WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Responsive Sliders, To-Do Lists, Table Reservations and Plugin Activation Tracking. Those plugins and listener feedback, all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

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Today we are reviewing our usual allotment of six great plugins.

And first up I have
Sent in by Evgeniy Sidorov
Premium Service starting at $14 a month

Callback Tracker

Requires:3.5 or higher
Compatible up to:5.8.10
Released:15 February 2017
Last Updated:19 August 2021
(5 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
Callback Tracker is a smart communication tool that converts your site visitors into leads. Our customizable widget hovers neatly over your site and provides visitors with call back request form. With Callback Tracker, you are offering your visitors flexible and accessible support, while transforming them into happy customers.
After visitors enter their phone number (landline or mobile, from anywhere in the world), they are automatically called back within seconds and connected with you. This call is free for visitors.

Rating 4 Dragons


WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Requires:4.4 or higher
Compatible up to:4.9.26
Released:27 March 2018
Last Updated:30 December 2018
(0 star out of 5)

There have been at least 10 times I've been asked about dynamic picing plugins for WooCommerce. This is the grandaddy of them all..

* Product price adjustment (persentage discount, fixed discount, fixed price)
* Bulk pricing (persentage discount, fixed discount, fixed price)
* Tiered pricing (persentage discount, fixed discount, fixed price)
* “Buy x and get x” pricing (persentage discount, fixed discount, fixed price)
* Cart discount (persentage discount, fixed discount)
* Wide range of cart content conditions
* Wide range of customer purchases history conditions
* Wide range of customer conditions
* Wide range of products filtering conditions
* Possibility for AND/OR/NOT conditions combinations (logical expressions)
* Exclusivity settings for rules overlapping case
* Overlapped rule selection methods for bigger/smaller price/discount

Rating: 4 out of 5

This show is brought to you by:

John WordPress & Web Services

Finding quality WordPress Hosting and support can be a challenge, well you can drop that stress by contacting web services. I can help you eliminate your WordPress stress. Solving your WordPress Emergency issues or doing the more day to day items such as finding that perfect plugin, helping you move to a new hosting provider or even provinding Quality WordPress hosting.
With 20yrs. Exp on-line and over 8 years dedicated to WordPress Provides all your web service needs from hosting to WordPress development, repairs and
Visit my website, Call 818-850-7729 or send an email to

Contest win a Premium Plugin License For:

We have a contest starting this week giving away a premium license from where we are giving away a bundle pack of extensions for the Notification plugins bundle pack of extensions for the Notification plugin visit for more info or enter here
You can also get a discount off the plugins with a 25% off coupon code for all Notification extensions. Use the code “ILOVEWPAZ” until the end of May 2018 get the core plugin here

Contests powered by the Simple Giveaways Plugin

Our next couple plugins for you are

Sent in by Solwin Infotech
Premium Plugin $20

Avartan Slider WordPress Plugin

The Lowdown:
Avartan is an easy to use free responsive WordPress slider plugin packed with lots of features. Add impressive image sliders, video sliders, content sliders, text and animations to your website. It also includes shortcode and button elements.
– Responsive
– SEO Friendly
– Animation & Transition
– Autoplay Slider
– Drag and Drop Slide Builder
– Enable/Disable Slider Shadow
– Cross Browsers support ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera )
– User Friendly Backend
– Touch & Swipe Navigation
– Slide Layouts – Fullwidth & Fixed
– Background Color selection with opacity
– Enable/Disable Pause current slide on Mouse Hover
– 5+ Customizable Slider Preloader
– 8+ Customizable Next/Previous Arrows
– 8+ Customizable Navigation Bullets
– 3+ Navigation Bullets position
– 3 Elements Support – Text/HTML, Image and Video
– Easily Duplicate slide elements
– Slide preview before publish on live
– Element timing block to manage ease in, ease out for all elements
– Unlimited text, image and video elements into single slide
– Image scaling and alter text for better SEO with images
– Video Support for Youtube & Vimeo
– Self hosted video support with HTML5 Video
– Set Preview Image for Youtube and Vimeo Video
– Set Poster Image for HTML5 Video
– Element Attributes (ID, Classes, Rel, Title for batter SEO)
– Hyperlinking Individual Element (link + target)
– Element & slide custom CSS
– Auto-add shortcode from WYSIWYG editor
– Avartan Slider Widget
– Multilingual Translation Ready

Rating 4 Dragons


WP To Do

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

This is a full blown to do list and task management system that integrates in your administration panel. As a full featured “to do” list manager this plugin makes it possible to add requests
to the list and assign those to registered users. The items can be edited, assigned a due date and you can manage to-dos by statuses and importance. The assignees can be notified
automatically or by need, sending a comment or a reminder automatically. Great for people collaborating on a site. I only wish it had recurring tasks, like maintenance or a monthly posting task.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

We like listener feedback you can leave feedback via our contact page, Speakpipe or email us direct.

Question from Tjobbe Andrews from the UK
I need help Re-categorising 1,200 products!

HELP! Basically, I inherited a website and almost every product is in the wrong category, and it would be much easier for me (I think?) to just start from scratch and put every product in a new category from scratch. Can this be done “offline” – i.e on a test / dev server – and then used to over-write the live server? So in effect I create the new categories on the test server, and I want to tell the live server what the new categories should be. How would this be done, physically?


WP ALL Import and WP All Export can do this in about 30 seconds. It allows you to export everything in your site, change it offline and then re-import it to overwrite the existing content with what is correct.

Show Donors

This Show is a Value for Value model meaning if you get any Value out of it please give some Value back and in that vein we would like to acknowledge those that have supported the show in the past week. All donations $50 and over are read out and their note is published here.
For all those who come in below $50 they will remain anonymous and we thank you very much.

This week's Donor/'s are:

Jezweb Pty Ltd sent you $50.00 USD.
This donation is on behalf of Honeysuckle Executive Apartments  who provide serviced accommodation in Newcastle Australia. It is a WordPress website created by Jezweb . The team at Jezweb appreciate you keeping us updated with new plugins which help solve our client feature requests. A plugin we recently found that has been very useful is Anywhere Elementor which you can use to design post and archive pages with Elementor page builder very easily. Thank you.

And a big thank you to our donors who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.

Here are ways you can support the show:

Support the show with a weekly $2.50 subscription by going
This show is listener supported and we can use more than just money to help the show grow.
Visit to learn how you can support the show in other ways.

You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon

Remember to support the show at

Our last couple plugins today are:


Sent in by Ivan Zambouka

Table Reservations

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
This plugin allows users quickly book a table in your cafe or make a restaurant reservation. Also it can be used for coworking, internet cafe (cybercafe) and nightclub.
Selectable tables for reservations
THERE ARE NO COLLISIONS, i.e. one table can’t be reserved by different people simultaneously.
Manage reservations from WordPress dashboard
Email notifications about reservation (both for admin and guest)
Well-thought-out mobile UX
Customisable colors, date/time format and all notification mails about reservation
WPBakery(Visual Composer) compatible

rating 4 Dragons


Plugin Activation Info

Requires:3.0 or higher
Compatible up to:5.3.18
Released:21 March 2018
Last Updated:23 October 2019
(0 star out of 5)

This is a really great lazy plugin, just like we like them. What it does is it adds a new column “Last Activated By Username” on the plugins dashboard that shows when each plugin was activated. It is very handy in terms of debugging the issues on websites. Remember, it can only keep track of who activates plugins AFTER it is installed. You can't track plugins that were activated before you install this plugin. So it's ideal for brand new sites.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Closing out this Episode The Plugins we covered where:

John’s Plugins: Callback Tracker – 4, Avartan Slider WordPress Plugin – 4, Table Reservations – 4

Marcus’ Plugins: WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts – 4, WP To Do – 4, Plugin Activation Info – 5

Reminders / Commercial / Promotions:

Be sure to check out the YouTube Screencast that goes up later and watch the add on part that has john doing a first impression of one of Marcus's Plugin reviews from this show.

Note to developers who would like to support the show. If you would like to offer up a premium license to give away please go to

We now have training videos up and on-line part of the WP Plugins network you can find them here at or here new videos being done weekly.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

For news and information that is related to WordPress be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter.

Just some reminders:

Remember to support the show at

All the show notes can be found at:

Make sure you subscribe and review the show at:

Stitcher Radio, Google Play and in the iTunes Store

Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz

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How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:

Marcus can be contacted at:

  • Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at
  • Twitter @marcuscouch
    and remember to follow the show on twitter @wppluginsatoz