WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast – H for Headspace 2

The Old Young Building at Camosun CollegeWelcome to the WordPress Plug-ins from A to Z covering the letter H today. So what are we going to cover in today’s podcast we are going to cover Headspace 2 by John Godley of http://urbangiraffe.com.  This is an excellent plug-in for SEO of your website.

Headspace contains some more advanced settings than the most commonly used plug-in for SEO which is All-in-One SEO. So to hear my tips you will of course have to listen to this podcast please enjoy it. To check out Headspace 2 before you download it go here and get the details on it. You can also check out the documentation for Headspace 2 here for some more great information.

Some tips to remember you need to turn off any other SEO plug-ins that you are using before installing and activating Headspace 2. Also another tip is that if you use custom taxonimes and posts you can set up Headspace to do the automatic stuff for them also. I have a writeup here explaing how it is done just follow the information here Get Headspace 2 to show up on Custom Posts.

Thanks for listening and remember if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below or contact me though the contact form.