It's Episode 297 and we've got plugins for Interactive Flip Books, Tax Reports, Help Desk within WordPress Admin, Demo Site Creation, and the highest regarded plugin I've ever used. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

WordPress Plugins A-Z #297 Flip Books, Tax Reports
It's Episode 297 and we've got plugins for Interactive Flip Books, Tax Reports, Help Desk within WordPress Admin, Demo Site Creation, and the highest regarded plugin I've ever used. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It's Episode 297 and we've got plugins for Interactive Flip Books, Tax Reports, Help Desk within WordPress Admin, Demo Site Creation, and the highest regarded plugin I've ever used. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Don’t forget you can get the show notes at:

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast Can also be found at
And head on over and review us at:

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on Stitcher Radio Click here to Download app or listen online Now.

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on the iTunes Store here.
Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz

>>>Self Promotion here<<<

It seems I have been a bit too successful in getting the word out about my abilities and at this time I am unable to take on anymore work, I may be available for dire Emergency WordPress Support Simply contact me though my website at and submit a request
In the meantime what I have done is create a Job Board where WordPress Professionals can offer up their services and people can place tier needs. You can find the new Job Board here  this board is my way to help spread the love and anyone listed here will get any job referrals I cannot handle.
My newly created Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open! Use listener promo code WPAZ and get 33% off your enrollment!

Thank Our Donors

We would like to thank our donors to the show, everyone who donates $50 or more will be acknowledged here with a mention and a link back to their page and all those below will be anonymous
$50 Jez at Jexweb Pty Ltd.
Thank you for the work you do John and Marcus. I completely agree with giving each client ssl for their website. We've standardized on all new sites being SSL and are working through our existing clients to switch their sites over too. There was an interesting discussion on ep444 of about the consequence of having free ssl  and a reply of sorts from lets encrypt l in essence the issue is that nefarious phishers can setup ssl for their wonky domains and trick people into clicking on them and thinking hey its a padlock must be safe. Better to ssl than not to ssl anyway. This donation is on behalf of SRO Group – who design and manufacture electrical switch rooms and power distribution systems.

Thanks to all donors who came in under $50

You can now donate though Patreon at where you can donate on a monthly basis. As an incentive if you donate $40 a month you will gain access to the exclusive plugin tutorial videos on how to setup and use the plugins we review and use.

John’s Rant: What to rant about?

There are some big changes coming to WP Plugins A ro Z, thanks to David who has joins us by supporting the show with his time to help improve it. He has been checking out how you the listeners have been using the site. With his help and some suggestions for changes that will be coming soon we will make this one fantastic show and a website worth going to for WordPress information.
Listen at end of show as I talk about the changes in my life that have and are happening to find out about a whole new world of crazy.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

Marcus is very happy with the new Envato Elements subscription site. The site is community driven and contributors are paid based on downloads of their content. It's a great place to find graphic elements, html templates, powerpoint and printing templates and all kinds of fonts, 3D objects and banners. Since I've been a subscriber in the last 3 months, I've actually used at least one of their elements in each of the different web sites I've developed. It costs $29 a month and is well worth it.


Researchers find “severe” flaw in WordPress plugin with 1 million installs – nextgen gallery again
Clef is shutting down on June 6th. The popular 2 factor authentication tool was one that allowed you to login with your phone via QR code. It will be missed.
Disqus Hits Sites with Unwanted Advertising, Plans to Charge Large Publishers a Monthly Fee to Remove Ads

Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

Speakpipe from Jez
Jim Reese
Hi there,
I have been following your blog for quite some time now. I have always held your work in the highest regard. The work that Wppluginsatoz is doing is helpful toward the WordPress community.
That's what I am doing with WPblog. With the help of few contributors, we have started a new blog about WordPress and we love to write detailed tutorials about WordPress.
However, we love the WordPress community and each week we list the best tutorials in our roundup (  ) . We would love to have your presence there. Suggest a few to us for this week's roundup.
Doug Payton
 I have a couple of bits of podcast advice for you. Take it for what it's worth.
First, I noticed that someone suggested tweaking the equalizer settings to make one of you sound less muddled. For me, that's a lower priority than making sure you two are at the same volume level. A number of times, the levels are so different that if I can hear one of you, the other is hard to hear or is blasting me out. What I've found incredible for this is It is both a website where you can upload audio and have it perform processing on it, or a desktop application that does the same thing. The website allows you to process 2 hours of audio per month for free. The desktop app is $99, one time. It is a brilliant bit of software that can do processing such as leveling out the volume, reducing noise and hum, and setting a particular loudness target. While the leveler makes your volumes the same, the loudness target give the audio a specific perceived loudness. Many podcasters are trying to gets producers to standardize on “-16 LUFS” so that from one podcast to the next, the perceived volume is the same. Great product, and as I said, you can use it for free 2 hours a month. Give it a look.
The second suggesting is about the donation issue that seems to keep coming up. My philosophy on this was influenced by Cliff Ravenscraft (“The Podcast Answerman”). You can hear his ideas on Pat Flynn's podcdast when he interviewed Cliff back in 2011.
Basically, his philosophy is that he gives away his podcast content for free in order to create a following and to establish himself as an expert, which translates into sales for his consulting business and his products. The podcast will even sometimes include promos for his upcoming classes, but otherwise his +/- 1 hour show is valuable information for his listeners.
And I think you may already be beneficiaries of this idea. I don't know where your business comes from, but whereas you used to advertise your services on the show, you now have so much work you don't do that anymore. Is it possible that you are getting value back, and much more than the value you provide? Again, I can't know the answer to that, but I have a feeling that it could very well be true to some extent. You have established yourselves as experts in the field, and I really believe that some of your business success is due to your podcast.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Feel free to take them or leave them. All I would say is keep up the good work and thanks for your plug-in reviews.
Doug Payton
Annie Sargent
Hello John and Marcus,
I love your show, thank you for all you do! I wonder if you could talk a little bit about managing the media library. I know it's a huge topic, but here's my situation, maybe you could use it as an example of what pickle we can get ourselves into when we don't know what we're doing at first.
My self-hosted WP site has a huge media library: 1600+ photos for 140 posts.
Problem #1: many of those photos are over 500k because they are both too large in pixels (some 1600x which makes no sense to me now!) and I didn't use TinyPNG for 2 out of the 3 years I've had the site.
Problem #2: I am not certain all of those photos are legal to use. I know how to find legal photos now (Unsplash and Pixabay as well as my own photos), but I didn't 3 years ago when I started. I'd be happier starting over with photos I am sure are legal.
Problem #3: Some of my posts have a dozen or more photos in them, which is unnecessary and really slows things down to a crawl. I can just delete photos from the posts, but will it be enough?
I would love to “start over” with a leaner and cleaner media library, but I'm not sure what is the best way to go about that.
Question 1: If I remove the photos from the posts they'll still be in the media library. To speed up my site, is it important to remove the photos from both the posts and the media library, or is it enough to remove the photo from the posts?
Question 2: Is there a plugin that will help me remove photos from the posts AND the media library at the same time? I searched for one but couldn't find anything like that.
Question 3: I saw the “unattached” filter in the media library, but I know for a fact that some of those photos are used on the site, so I don't understand what “unattached” means. Can you clarify?
Question 4: When I insert a photo into my post, I have the option to insert it as full size, medium or thumbnail. Leaving aesthetic questions aside, will my post load faster if I choose thumbnail rather than full size?
Question 5: Can I create a completely separate media library for the same site where I'd only add photos that meet my new criteria and use those photos instead of the ones from the old media library? If I did that, eventually I could delete the older media library and solve all my problems all at once.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help! Maybe I should hire somebody to do this for me, but I am a firm believer in learning how to do things myself so I don't repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**

Tax Report for WooCommerce

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
Its that time of year again where we think about our taxes and if you sell any amount online you know that in some areas you need to be collecting Sals tax for us canadiens its GST, HST and PST and it all need to be reportedd on a regular bases (also paid). This plugin make that an easier job by showing you the total amount collectedd for each tax.
Rating 4 Dragons

WP Demo Buddy

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
This is looking to be something we might deploy on WPAZ, it allows you to setup demos of plugins so people can test them out, it is self cleaning and you can add ways for people to buy the plugin. This is looking to be a pretty great sales tool for developers.
Rating 4 Dragons

Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce

Requires:4.4 or higher
Compatible up to:6.6.2
Released:17 February 2017
Last Updated:14 October 2024
(5 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
Encourage your shopping site visitors to spend more money, if you offer free shipping after they spend so much this plugin will help encourage that behaviour. It show in thier shopping cart, mini-cart and checkout page how much more they need to get to free shipping. Add this you never know it just might boost sales.
Rating 4 Dragons

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

Interactive 3D Flipbook

3D FlipBook is WordPress plugin that allows to browse images, PDFs or HTMLs as a flipping book. It can be used for demonstration magazines, books, cards, brochures, booklets and much more in natural way. It helps to attract user attention and make more impression on him.
This is a premium plugin priced at $24. Well worth the small cost.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Catchers Helpdesk and Ticket System Plugin For Support

This plugin is a powerful ticket system developed to work within the WP Admin area. Each help request sent to your support email becomes a helpdesk ticket. Categorize and prioritize your tickets and assign them to the correct people in your team. There is no conflict between multiple agents responding to the same ticket, as everyone in the support team (admin users) can see who is working on each ticket as well as the status of each ticket.
This is a premium plugin priced at $49.
Rating: 5 out of 5

WP All Import

Requires:5.0 or higher
Compatible up to:6.7.2
Released:24 July 2012
Last Updated:23 January 2025
(4.7 star out of 5)
WP All Import Pro makes it possible to easily import data from your XML or CSV file to fields that are specific to your theme or plugins. An SEO plugin might have fields for keywords, page titles, and descriptions. A real estate theme could have fields for the property price, photographs, and number of bedrooms. The technical term for these fields is “Custom Fields” or “post meta” – plugins and themes use Custom Fields to store data specific to their needs. WP All Import Pro automatically detects the names of the Custom Fields used by your plugins and themes, so you don’t have to guess, ask the author, or look through the code.
I paid $250 for the Elite Bundle of the entire WP AllImport and All Export suite. It also included the Custom Fields importer and the add-in for importing products to WooCommerce.
In less than 90 seconds after install, I was already uploading a file straight from an Affiliate Network. I used a boating store for a test. It not only added all the proper images, product names, categories and prices, but it had specific rules in which I could format the import. Then I could even save the import template. What's really beautiful is that I can upload or link a new csv file (or zipped file) and it will remember what is already there and only update what you tell it to. If it is missing out of a secondary file, you can have it also remove the product.
Amazing software that I was happy to pay full price for.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: Tax Report for WooCommerce – 4, WP Demo Buddy – 4, Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce – 4
Marcus’ Plugins:  3D FlipBook – 5, Catchers Helpdesk and Ticket System – 5, WP All Import – 5

Commercial /  Promotions:

Time to share this space with others, so currently I would like to let others know about another great WordPress website. Checkout This site has some pretty useful articles and news about the WordPress community.
The Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can join for as low as $67 a month with a full money back guarantee. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news.

A Word From John

With the ending of a 17yr relationship and marriage over the cooming months I will have more time for the show, the next few weeks will see transitions in many things about the show, Discuss how I really want this show to be fully Value for Value and not have to cater to any advertisers at all.

Just some reminders:

Rate us at iTunesblubrry.comViaWay.comStitcher Radio and any place else you find us.
How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:

Marcus can be contacted at:

  • Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at

  • Twitter  @marcuscouch
    and remember to follow the show on twitter @wppluginsatoz
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