The Missing Component in Your WordPress Security Strategy Audit Logs
The Missing Component in Your WordPress Security Strategy…

Simple WordPress Security
WordPress Security should not be taken lightly especially in…

Why Your $500 Website Costs You Thousands
You need a fast properly functioning website.
(warning some…

WordPress Responsive Theme Infographic
A larger portion of the people who use the internet are doing…

Top 30 WordPress Plugins
WordPress now has over 30k plugins in its repository. There are…

Most Popular Security Plugins for WordPress
Security has become the number 1 thing to think about in WordPress…

Sliding into the Winner's circle with SlideDeck
Sliders Sliders and more sliders.
As so many people who use…

Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted in WordPress
Well it has been a while since I have done up an article but…

Export OsCommerce to WP E-Commerce Conversion Error
I converted over an OsCommerce store to WP E-commerce using cart…

Discussing WordPress Plugins for Dropbox, Gravity Forms & Sharing Bars
It’s Episode #86 and we’ve got plugins for Dropbox integration,…

Increase your Social Media connection in WordPress News & Tips #4
[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="lifted-both" width="550px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="2" border_color="#638259" ]WordPress Training Available:
There is a Webinar at 7pm PDT on Tuesday the 4th of September Click Here to Register
There is also a WordPress Level One Training Course in Victoria on September 29 & 30th from 9am to 3pm each day. Register now at http://WPPro.ca/wptraining[/dropshadowbox]